Guest Seating Planner

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Mere Court Hotel Wedding Fair


Wedding Venues in England have created an interactive Microsoft Excel Wedding Guest Seating Planner for you to download and use whilst planning for your special day.

Free wedding guest seating planner

One of the unique features this Wedding Table Seating Planner has to offer is that you will be able to insert names for your guests, therefore giving you the option to adjust the layout of the table plan easily.

How to download

Free wedding guest seating planner

Click on the image above of the Wedding Table Seating Planner, then choose the option of “Save”.

Once you have decided upon the location on your PC you would like to keep the Wedding Table Seating Planner locate the file and open as a normal Excel spreadsheet.

Edit Page ‹ Wedding Venues in Scotland — WordPress.html

>> Click here to download the Wedding Table Seating Planner <<

For further help with downloading this Excel spreadsheet contact us via email: